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  • How To Safely Travel Cross-Country with Your Dog

    So you have decided to go on a trip cross-country with a dog (your dog preferably, dognappers need not continue reading). We don't blame you, dogs make an exceptional companion, especially during an adventurous trip.

    When planning your excursion, whether by air or driving, there a few essentials you want to keep in mind.

    Check up

    You want to be sure that your pet is healthy enough to travel. Most, if not all, airlines and trains will require documentation of this. Be sure to ask your veterinarian about possible risks such as fleas, ticks, and heartworm. If your pup has anxiety issues, this would be a good time to discuss medicinal options. Plan accordingly. Also, update your dogs' vaccinations if needed.


    If you haven't already done so, this is a great time to consider micro-chipping Fido. Just in case you and your buddy get separated during your trip. A pet I.D tag is also recommended as a form of backup.


    Bring copies of all important documents (vaccine, medical records, etc.)


    Dependent upon the mode of transportation, here are guidelines to follow when taking a cross-country road trip with your dog. Remember to always research before embarking (see what I did there?) on your trip.


    There is nothing better than enjoying a road trip with your dog; cruising down a country highway, wind in your hair and your furry, four-legged friend by your side. Traveling with Fido is so much better than missing him the entire trip. Plus, what dog doesn't love a road trip? We get it, but before you rev up those engines, here are a few tips (in addition to those mentioned above) to ensure a safe and happy adventure for all.


    1. Research and plan your trip. Plan your route noting places of importance, pet-friendly hotels, and restaurants, dog parks, activities, and emergency vets just in case.


    1. Pack well for your fur baby. Be sure to bring:


    • padded dog collar
    • food/treats
    • food/water bowls
    • any medication
    • vitamins and/or supplements
    • paper towels
    • cleaning supplies (for those muddy paws, and possible accidents)
    • a comfy towel or blanket
    • waste bags
    • pet insect repellent/doggy sunscreen


    1. If you plan on going hiking, camping, or lots of walking/running, be sure to pack the necessary tools. A hands-free option running dog leash is extremely useful for active owners and their dogs.


    1. Equip your vehicle with a pet harness in the back seat (it is not safe for dogs to be harnessed in the front seat) or use a carrier and buckle it in with the seat belt.


    1. Bring a first aid kit!


    1. Stop frequently for bathroom breaks and exercise.


    1. Never leave your dog unattended in your car. Although you may think you are “just running in”, anything could happen. If it is 85 degrees outside, the temperature in the car can rise to 102 degrees in just 10 minutes with the windows cracked.


    Taking a trip with your furry best friend can be the ultimate adventure. Our pets are a member of the family, and we love them. They rely on us to take care of them and keep them safe. Abide by this guide to enjoy a fantasti
  • Our Picks for Best Dog Boots for Outdoor Adventures


    Outdoor dog boots are an important accessory for any pooch on an adventure. Dog boots help to protect the paws of our dogs from debris and dirt that might get stuck between their paw pads and either injure them or cause severe discomfort. Boots are essential to preventing cracks and calluses on our dogs' paws and for keeping their feet clean. When we go out camping, running, or hiking, we make sure that we are prepared with the correct gear and footwear. Our dogs deserve that same foot care that we give ourselves when we go outdoors.


    If you're thinking about buying outdoor dog boots for your next adventure, you're in luck! Here are our top 8 boot picks for serious nature lovers!


    Bark Brite All Weather Reflective Dog Boots

    Bark Brite All Weather boots are a great value if you want a durable dog boot. They are neoprene based, meaning they not only stretch, but they are waterproof. The durable soles of the boots help protect your dog against sharp objects, extreme cold or extreme heat. They also give the added benefit of having reflective straps, so, should you be hiking or running in the dark, your dog is able to have on reflective gear, too!


    Ruffwear Grip Trex

    Ruffwear's Grip Trex are the high-end outdoor dog boots for any dog that will be joining you on hiking, biking, running, or camping trips! The outside sole is constructed like a human hiking boot, allowing your dog to have exceptional traction on varied and harsh terrain. The exterior is constructed from breathable mesh, which keeps your pooches paws cool while they exercise. The straps have a two way securing system, which keeps them attached securely to your dog's feet.


    Top Paw Reflective Booties

    If you're trying to start your dog on boots, or looking for a cheap alternative to hold you over for a bit, Top Paw Reflective Booties is the way to go. These outdoor dog boots have great traction due to their bottoms, which are made from a rubberized thermoplastic. The straps are reflective on these, as well, for added visibility. While they are cheaper than the other boots of the list, they are a good starting point for people who haven't tried boots on their dog before or who want to see them in person before buying.


    My Busy Dog Winter Boots

    My Busy Dog Winter Boots are meant for cold weather, but the non-slip traction based sole also makes them work extremely well for outdoor activities. They're completely waterproof and come in eight different sizes. Add that they are endorsed by the AKC and you have a quality pair of outdoor boots for your friend!


    Wuxian Waterproof Outdoor Dog Boots

    These boots are sized by breed, so that you can easily fit your dog. They are water resistant with durable, printed soles that increase your dog's grip. The material is breathable to allow for indoor or outdoor wear and they are lightweight so that you can ensure your dog's comfort on your next hiking or camping trip.


    Muttluks Fleece Lined Dog Boots

    If you intend on doing any outdoor winter adventuring, this product is perfect for your pup! These dog boots have a fleece lining that keeps the paws warm. The treated leather soles protect your dog from snow and ice while also providing flexibility.


    DOG Australia

    These boots will match your Uggs at home. These boots are constructed from a flexible vinyl with a printed rubberized sole, which increases grip on harsher surfaces. The inside is lined with velvet for added warmth and breathability. Add in that they are extremely stylish and cute and you have yourself a fashion-forward choice for your next trip!


    Kurgo Step and Strobe Outdoor Dog Boots

    Like most of the other boots on this list, these boots offer intense grip for the rugged surface you will encounter outdoors. They are breathable and are purposely built to be long-lasting. These boots are unique, however, in that they feature 360 degree LEDs built into the shoe for extreme visibility of your dog! This is especially important for nighttime camping when your friend could run off. The increased safety of these boots makes them an obvious choice for the list.


    When you're preparing for your outdoor adventure, your dog needs to be prepared, too! Before heading out of that family camping trip, make sure that your canine companion has the proper footwear for your voyage! Your pets' paws will thank you!

  • Tips for Dealing with Fleas, Ticks, and Spring Shedding

    The 2019 spring season has arrived and it’s time to protect your canine from being hassled by fleas and ticks. This is also the time to prepare for your dog's shedding fur. The warmer weather is great for dogs but it can also be a troubling time for your pooch.

    Warm weather naturally attracts bugs. This includes fleas and ticks which can be a pain for your dog to deal with. However, your dog and you should not have to worry about these bothersome pest. Just follow the advice presented here and your pooch should end up having a summer free from fleas, ticks and other pests.


    Flea and Tick Prevention


    Fleas and ticks hibernate during the cold winter months. Once the temperature starts to change and the weather gets warmer these bugs come out of their deep winter slumber. They are in search of food and your dog (and other animals) make an excellent meal for these parasites. You can get an early jump on these pests by preparing your yard in advance. You should cut the hedges, trim the bushes and mow the grass. This is the normal yard work that most people do during the summer months so don’t think of it as an extra chore!

    Remember that fleas and ticks thrive in moist places where there is a lot of clutter. The less clutter and the more open your backyard space is, the fewer ticks and fleas you will have. Now, there is no such thing as a flea and tick free outside environment but you can make it less appealing to them. The goal is to keep these insects under control enough to where they don't pose too much of a problem for your pets.

    When venturing out into the great outdoors make sure your dog stays protected! It is extremely easy for dogs to pick up fleas and especially ticks when hiking or camping. Even if you’re using a flea and tick preventative or fleas collar, check your dog carefully when you get home. Ticks can pose serious health risks such as Lyme disease so the sooner you can remove them, the better!


    Other Treatment Options for Fleas and Ticks


    Fleas and ticks aren’t deadly (in most cases), however, they can make you and your pet’s life life rather miserable. Veterinarians recommend giving your pet a medical flea bath and/or using flea medications to keep these pests from colonizing. Some people also find success using a prescription strength flea collar.

    One thing we know- not every treatment works for every dog so you may need to try different tactics. Taking your pet to the vet, regularly inspecting their fur, and monitoring your yard are other great ways to control ticks and fleas. One last thing that you can use for your yard is diatomaceous earth. This substance is virtually non toxic and it works wonders with eliminating bugs like fleas and ticks.


    General Information about Dog Shedding


    Shed happens, there’s no getting around this natural process. Spring dog shedding happens because your dog is preparing their body for a new change in the seasons. They too can sense the arrival of the spring time! Still, pet owners can control how much their dogs shed by combing their hair every other day with tools such as undercoat rakes. Some people also take the extra step of having their pet’s fur trimmed. Keep in mind, double coated dogs are not recommended to have their coats cut short as is serves as protection and it’s own cooling system.

    If a dog is shedding a concerning amount of hair this could be an indication of a health condition. In this case, consulting your vet is always the best option. Controlling fleas, ticks, and shedding will help you and your dog enjoy all that spring has to offer.

  • Guide to Dog-Friendly Marathons Around the U.S.

    Dog-friendly marathons and dog-friendly races are exploding in popularity in the United States. Every town and community seem to have their own fun run, charity run, trail run, or half-marathon where canines are invited to participate with their human companions. Europe even has a sport named Canicross. These are cross-country races where you are attached to your dog by a special harness and bungee cord.


    Benefits of Running 

    Besides increasing fitness for both you and your furry buddy, running together has been shown to have many other positive benefits. This includes strengthening the bond between pet and owner, plus decreasing stress and anxiety.

    Maybe you are looking to enter a short fun run as a fitness goal for your New Year’s resolution. Perhaps you want to explore miles of singletrack during an ultra-endurance race. Whatever your reasons are there are many pet-friendly runs to choose from wherever you may live.


    Marathon Preparation

    Before entering any race please be sure to consider the health of both yourself and your dog. Most sane people wouldn't attempt a full marathon without extensive training. This same theory applies to your pet. Do not enter a race unless you both have the fitness level to make the run a fun and enjoyable experience.

    Another aspect of a successful race or marathon with your dog is investing in the right equipment. A specific dog leash for running with ensure a safe and comfortable run for both of you. Depending on your needs you can choose from hands-on or hands-free running leashes. Coil leashes offer a tangle-free solution for maximum safety.

    The following is a list of some of the most popular dog-friendly races across the United States. While by no means an exhaustive list, the races listed will help illustrate the variety that exists in the pet-friendly running arena.



    The Furry Scurry is an annual event at Wash Park in Denver that has been going on for over 25 years. If walking or a shorter run is more your speed, this is the event for you. The Furry Scurry is a 2 mile amble or run in this big park just south of Downtown Denver and benefits the Dumb Friends League and their mission to care for homeless pets. This day has evolved into an all day pet extravaganza, with competitions, contests, and showcases carrying on well after the dog friendly race is over. If you are a dog lover in the Rocky Mountains, add the Furry Scurry to your calendar.



    Running with the Bears is a 10k, half, and full marathon in Northern California. Located a few hours from Reno, Sacramento, and the Bay Area, this race is sponsored by and benefits Mountain Circle Foster Care, which helps support foster children and families. While some races have limitations on which distances dogs can take part in, the Running with the Bears allows dogs in all categories. The gentle course and beautiful scenery makes this a popular pet-friendly run.



    Located in the stunning beauty of the Columbia River Gorge, this event will allow you and your best furry friend to participate in the half-marathon. Dubbed as "The Most Scenic Marathon in the Country", the course will take you through the splendid fall colors of Oregon. Known as a well organized event from registration to the finish line, this is one of the top dog-friendly races for you if you live in the Pacific Northwest.



    This event includes a half-marathon, 10k run, 5k run, and a 1 mile walk which are all dog-friendly. The races take place in the Chalco Hills Recreation area and features varied terrain through rolling hills. The best part is that all proceeds raised will benefit three non-profit pet rescue groups in the Omaha area. If you live in the Great Plains, check this event out!




    This event features a 14 and a 36 mile loop through the Moosalamoo Recreation Area and both distances are dog friendly. Moosalamoo is an Indian term meaning "song of the moose" which you very well may hear during the race through the Vermont summer. If you are a New Englander looking for a less crowded and out-of-the-way race to participate in please check the Moosalamoo out.



    Endurance races test the resilience of both human and canine. These races can be 50k, 100k, or even 100 miles! While many endurance races are not dog-friendly, there are a few that will allow you to bring your buddy along for company. The Pony Express 100 in Utah, the Deception Pass 50k in Washington, and the Salt Flat Endurance Runs in Utah and Nevada are examples of pet-friendly endurance races.


    Your dog spends enough time home alone, waiting patiently for you to return from work or school. There are many ways you can include your pet in your recreational activities outside the home, and running races together is one of the best! As the season turns over to spring and the weather gets nicer, be sure to check your local newspaper or community calendar for one of the many dog-friendly races in your area.

  • 7 Workout Exercises You Can Do With Your Dog

    Working out with your dog can be a fun and endorphin-increasing experience! It doesn’t have to be limited to simply going on walks either, which is why we’ve made a list describing some of the many ways you can exercise with your dog!


    Here’s to spending more quality time together by working out with your dog!




    This is called "doga"! If you’re already a yoga fan, this can be a great way to increase the amount of yoga in your life. Take into consideration the size and personality of your dog. Be patient and humorous, as it could possibly take some time for your dog to adjust to being more relaxed. There are doga classes, and also doga books for home use. Namaste!




    This can be quite a strenuous exercise with your dog. Avoid over-exercising your dog if they’re younger than nine months as this can damage their developing bones. This is especially true if running on hard surfaces like pavement. Remember, dogs need to warm up too! Having the right running dog leash and access to water is always a good idea.




    There are training methods for this, such as the “behavior focus method”, “on wheels method” and “slow train method”. They all focus on ensuring basic command words are obeyed, and safety precautions are paramount. Our shortie leash can help with training your dog to stay close until a loose leash is needed.




    Different breeds may be better swimmers than others. Don’t push your dog too quickly. Let them adjust to the water and always supervise them. Dogs can quickly tire when swimming and may need help getting to dry land. Never throw your dog into the water and consider using a dog life-jacket. Swimming is an extremely beneficial activity for working out with your dog.




    When training your dog to fetch, focus on these aspects: chasing, motivation, retrieving, avoiding them staying away with the object and getting the object back. Also, it helps to make sure you are using an object or toy your dog likes!




    Remember, don’t over-exercise puppies or senior pets. Build your dog's fitness gradually and consider that like you, your dog also needs recovery time. Toughen your dog’s paws over time naturally by walking them. Also, invest in good hiking equipment such as a harness, a whistle, and a dog leash for running.


    Horseback Riding


    This can be tricky but can also be very fun! Ensure your dog has good obedience skills before introducing them to a horse. Then practice those skills again in the presence of the horse. Start things slowly: bring your dog when feeding or mucking up your horse. Don’t rush the two animals together, as horses can be very dangerous to dogs.


    Always remember to be mindful of what your dog is capable of when working out with your dog.  Also, take note of their comfort zone and fitness. When you take the right safety precautions, it’s exciting to try new things with your furry friend. Have fun!

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